A lot of people confuse the terms technique and technology. So let\’s take a look at it, but just quickly. Technology is primarily a heavy thing, like an excavator or a bulldozer. Or military. Or light. Technology, however, is a process. Even a simple recipe for any food is technology, and that\’s no joke. When I was a chef, we had a cooking technology course at school. Well, we\’ve explained the basic concepts and now on to the computer technology itself.
I\’m sure the older ones remember the crates that used to sit on or under our desks that held computer components. In the middle of the desk was a CRT monitor. I don\’t think many people remember what that acronym was anymore. So, you know, CRT stands for Cathode ray tube, so sort of, translated into plain English, cathode ray tube. This monitor was heavy and elongated, so it really took up a lot of space on the desk. Its name came from the use of the cathode ray tube, which was already mentioned, which determined this elongated shape. Fortunately, then came the “flat” monitors which already took up a minimum of space and were very light to handle.
The computers themselves were actually a case into which floppy disks were inserted when needed. Floppy disks are also rarely remembered anymore. It was basically a disk partially hidden in a plastic body. They were prone to damage and didn\’t fit much on them. To give you an idea, you\’d need about a hundred pieces of floppy disks to make one lower quality film. The smaller, commonly used ones. Well, fortunately technology has advanced and brought the CD, then the DVD and now we have the floppy disk, which is perhaps unrivalled for data transfer.
In the computer case was a motherboard with a processor that clocked several Mega, and that was something. You didn\’t even know about a processor that “sang” in Giga back then. Today it is quite common and the time is not far off when it will clock even faster.
You just can\’t stop development