Reading about science

Do you like science? Is there really a plethora of science books that you can start reading and/or educate yourself as well? I myself always like to read very interesting books. Speaking of books, do you like books too? Of course, there are plenty of people who read books every day. Some people read books only occasionally, some read scientific or technical literature, some read things like biology or zoology. And then there are those who don\’t read at all. Take my brother, for example. My brother doesn\’t read at all, and he doesn\’t enjoy it.

Věda mě baví.

He said that after he reads one or two pages, he doesn\’t remember the next page, and after a few pages, he doesn\’t remember the first. I still don\’t understand how my sister finds the time to read for an hour or two when she has a job, two kids, and can clean the whole house. Maybe she is pretty out of touch, too. Or maybe she reads when her two kids are sleeping. I have a job and a part time job and can\’t read every day. I do like to read, and right now I like science books, especially about the underwater world and astronomy. 24]

Baví mě i četba o planetách.

And sometimes I read biology books. I have a high school nursing degree, so biology and zoology are familiar to me. I also wanted to be a veterinarian. But unfortunately, it didn\’t happen. I got pregnant, so I didn\’t go to veterinary school after that. Instead, I went to another high school, and that was economics. I am glad I had two high schools. I think it\’s a really great opportunity and a great choice whether you want to work or study. If you\’re interested in science, I would also recommend going to a science college.