Pyramids and Technology

What do you think of the fact that technology and other technological and useful things have been with us for so long? Many people would find it hard to believe. But I am always choked up when I think about the fact that the Egyptians, for example, built pyramids and various tombs. Because to build a pyramid, for example, the pyramid of Cheops, you need very heavy blocks and it must have been very difficult and complicated. I think the Egyptians were very smart to invent this technology and complex things like pulleys and pulley systems.

Technika a Egypt. Stále bádání.

They even knew that this worked and was possible. And now, in our time, I think it is very different. Because we have not invented much since the Egyptians. I think that if the Egyptians had thought much further ahead, and if the pharaohs had thought much further ahead, perhaps the world would have had better technology and technological advances than it has, for example. What do you think? Do you think the Egyptians would have built pyramids and different tombs and had different, higher quality, more sophisticated technology?

Pyramidy jsou zázrak.

It is also sometimes said that they were helped by aliens, people from another world. I don\’t know about you, but I half believe it. I don\’t believe 100 percent in extraterrestrials or UFOs, but I think we are clearly not alone in the universe. I mean, what other civilization has technology that is 100 percent better than ours? I don\’t know about that, but I\’m sure they are very good at hiding it. That\’s because of modern technology. A lot of people have technology, but believe me, technology existed long before us. Maybe humanity just doesn\’t want to recognize it properly. Where is the truth?