What is technology for people?

As everyone knows, animals get everything they need on their own. With a little luck, that\’s enough to provide them with the bare essentials, and maybe that\’s all they care about. Animals live from day to day and don\’t think much about the future or how to make it easier for themselves in life.

But humans, that\’s different. They\’d rather figure out how to make their lives easier than to work too hard or hope that nature will provide what they need. And to make life as good as possible for us humans, we need a lot of technology. With which we can make everything possible better, faster, cheaper, just the way we want it.

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Technology helps us at work, for example. I\’m sure you\’ve seen construction machinery or machines and other equipment in factories and workshops somewhere. And you know why it\’s there. To produce a lot, quickly and competitively. If people did what is done in factories on various machines, only by hand or with primitive tools, it would not be ideal and maybe nobody would even want such products. But the technology there can make it exactly the way the customers want it. And that\’s the point.

But we also have different types of technology at home. Just look in the room you\’re in. I\’m sure you\’ll see some here. At least the computer or smartphone you\’re reading this on. And there\’s probably a TV, radio, phone, kettle, blender, hairdryer, vacuum cleaner and who knows what else. After all, you need or even explicitly want such technology to be there to serve you, and that\’s why it\’s there.

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Technology can certainly do something and that makes it important to us. It does something that we humans can\’t do, that we don\’t have the time or the inclination to do, or that technology does so well that we leave it to it to make it more perfect. And to help us, we buy it. And that\’s the only shortcoming of technology. It helps us to not have to toil, and we have to toil to earn it. Paradox, isn\’t it?

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